Weather Report: Exploring the Atmosphere Through Art

The weather is a hot topic in the arts these days, moving from the background of landscape imagery to the main subject. This transition is the focus of the exhibition, Weather Report at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Ridgefield, CT.

Curated by Richard Klein, the exhibit features a wide array of artists influenced by the workings of our atmosphere. Some examples that stood out to me include Kim Keever’s “Clouds” that were created with various pigments in a tank of water and Sarah Bouchard’s “Weather Box”, which makes music from weather data. The sculptures of weather map graphics by Bigert and Bergström, a Swedish art duo, also caught my eye as they explore the way weather has influenced historical events. Overall, the exhibition aims to highlight the sky as a place where the aesthetic, the political, and the scientific co-exist and inform each other.

The show is on view through March 29, 2020. For more information, visit:

Bigert and Bergström’s “The Russian Campaign, 1812.” Photo: Melissa Fleming